Note that this newsletter is 100% free. However, I am a single father with bills to pay and my employment opportunities are limited due to my refusal to accept Big Pharma toxins in my veins. The mandates are merciless in Los Angeles.

But I still make a genuine effort to get important information out there, to do my small part to raise awareness and shepherd the sheep toward greater consciousness. I’ve been inspired by the likes of Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying, Jordan Peterson, Geert Vanden Bossche, Peter McCullough, Jessica Rose, Steve Kirsch, Matt Taibbi, Joe Rogan, Pierre Kory, and Robert Malone. Their relentless dedication to reason, to telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regardless of the personal or professional consequences has kept me on this path.

Successful or not, I am trying.

I would sincerely appreciate your financial support if you can afford to do so. If not, that’s okay. These are trying times for all of us. Prioritize yourself and your loved ones, but if you can spare a few bucks, I'm happy to accept. Once I have 1,000+ subscribers I will add a subscription option and post daily (or close to it).

Thank you for your support.

Subscribe to Breaker of Sheeple

Searching for objective truths in an increasingly dishonest world by relentlessly debunking faux-narratives, using verifiable evidence and (gasp) critical thinking skills. Also other stuff.


Independent Journalist and Nature Lover. And other stuff.